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Episode 172
Eric Tworo: The role appraisers play in the valuation of affordable housing
April 17, 2024

We might not often think of Appraisers as an important part of keeping housing affordable, but they absolutely play a large part. Eric Tworo, President of the Ontario Association of the Appraisal Institute of Canada joins us on the pod to talk about the role appraisers play in housing, how they help to keep it affordable, what skills are involved and how there are unique pieces to appraising affordable housing, and lastly how the non-profit sector is a growth area for the profession moving forward.

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Ashley Travis: Housing for all includes housing for pets
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A Coalition for a National Housing Acquisition Fund
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BC Housing- Ramping Up to Meet the Needs of Vulnerable Communities
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What folks are saying about On the Way Home


These podcasts are invaluable, by listening we may just have saved our community tens of thousands of dollars and are now working towards an even better solution. I was leaning towards a different model and now I am pretty sold on this one – Bridge Healing Transitional Accommodation Program, also known as Asamina Kochi. 

Marc Boychuk
Lived Expert and Community Advocate

On the Way Home” (I was the first guest of the podcast’s predecessor “Out Of The Blue”) is a wonderfully informative podcast on homelessness and the issues surrounding it. Great care is taken when speaking with those with lived and living homelessness experience, as well as world experts. Rarely does one come across a podcast with such depth and production value. I highly recommend.

Jesse Thistle
Best Selling Canadian Author, Indigenous Rights Advocate

It was an honour to be one of the first guests on “On the Way Home”, a podcast that takes deep dives into the public health issue of homelessness and explores ways we can solve it. A must-listen for those interested in the work currently being done to end homelessness in our country.

Don Iveson
Former Mayor of Edmonton

If “On the Way Home” is anything like Out of the Blue, it will be a Master Class in housing and is mandatory listening for anyone wanting to understand the sector.

John Fox
Lawyer, Real Estate Development, Partner at Robbins Appleby

I listen to ‘On The Way Home’ podcast to hear the latest on efforts to end homelessness from the smartest and hardest working people from across Canada and the world. Taking the time to understand the work and successes of other communities inspires me to redouble my efforts as well.

Sam Dodge
Transitional Director at San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing

The podcast shines the light on important developments pertaining to homelessness right across Canada. I recommend listening to it regularly.

Nick Falvo
Respected Research Consultant

I’m currently a Ryerson student who’s enrolled in a course called Homelessness in Canada, and we’ve been listening to your podcast every week as part of our learning. I have to admit, this is by far the best way to learn about homelessness and the deep rooted challenges that many Canadians face.

Ryerson Student

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